Summary: Coverage of Gen. Curtis E. LeMay's visit to Saigon, Pleiku and Bienhoa where the general and party inspect troops, flight crews and aircraft. Other VIP's shown are: Brig. Gen. Godfrey T. McHugh, Gen. Le Van Ty, Maj. Gen. Dinh, Gen. Clark Louis Ruffner (USA), Maj. Gen. W.H. Blanchard, and Maj. Gen. Theodore R. Milton. SLATE: DAF SUPPORT. CAMERAMAN: RUSHTON. 2' MS signs on building: CLARK AB OPERATIONS AND HOME OF 405TH FIGHTER WING. 13' MS left SV of modified KC-135 with multi-purpose truck including air conditioning at nose of aircraft and guard walking past. 26' MS RV of pilot and flight crewman walking toward modified KC-135. 33' MLS to MCU high angle taken from aircraft of Gen. Curtis E. LeMay, Chief of Staff, AF, wearing flying clothing boarding modified KC-135. 44' Series of shots of ARVIN Headquarters building (Tong-Than-Muu) intercut with Republic of Vietnam flag flying and Gen. LeMay's convoy arriving and being greeted by Vietnamese Gen. Le Van Ty, Chief, Joint General Staff shows the generals climbing steps, saluting and inspecting Vietnamese troops. 186' AMCU RV of Gen LeMay sitting in copilot's seat looking out window of C-54. 218' AMS of two officers in C-54 during flight. 223' AV's of clouds during flight. 261' AMCU looking out window of C-54 past left inboard engine. 271' AMCU high angle of Vietnamese officer during flight. 279' Series of shots from aircraft of ramp being rolled up and military personnel debarking from aircraft. 290' MS's & MCU's of Gen. LeMay, Vietnamese Maj. Gen. Dinh and a lieutenant general walking toward camera and saluting; Gen. LeMay and party trooping the line, Gen. LeMay moving along line meeting Vietnamese pilots, students and paratroopers wearing campaign hats, and Gen. LeMay, Vietnamese lieutenant general and Brig. Gen. Godfrey T. McHugh walking to car. (Pleiku,Vietnam) 329' LS of JOC Headquarters Building -- several jeeps parked in fg. 339' CU FV of Vietnamese guard. 345' MS of Gen. LeMay, Vietnamese lieutenant general and staff officers leaving the JOC Headquarters Building. 352' MCU's of Gen. LeMay getting into jeep. 365' ACU's of KG-135 flight crew at work during flight. 402' SLATE: DAF SUPPORT. CAMERAMAN: RUSHTON. 404' AMCU of Brig. Gen. McHugh and Gen. LeMay seated by C-47 window. (square window) 415' MS's including a high angle of Gen. LeMay moving down reception line of Vietnamese, USAF and Army officers -- shows Gen. LeMay saluting, inspecting Vietnamese troops, leaving chow line with tray and walking to dining shelter. 456' LS & MS FV of armed AD-6's parked on flight line -- MCU left SV of one of the aircraft. (Bienhoa, Vietnam.) 481' MCU & MS of armed guard T-28 in bg -- CU of pistol in holster. 509' Series of shots of Gen. LeMay, Brig. Gen. McHugh and party inspecting B-26's with nose guns, armed AD-6 and aircraft crews -- shows Gen. LeMay talking with a pilot and the armament under wing of AD-6 at Bienhoa. 688' CU of guard wearing campaign hat under wing of aircraft. 707' MCU right SV & FV of Vietnamese guard saluting -- C-47 in bg in first scene. 721' MCU RV of Gen. LeMay boarding a C-47 -- four-star plate on inside of aircraft door at Bienhoa, Vietnam. 731' MCU of river and terrain -- right wing of aircraft in lower frame. 744' MCU of Gen. LaMay debarking from C-47 at Saigon. 749' MS of sign on building above door: UNITED STATES MILITARY ASSISTANCE ADVISOR GROUP. 758' Total footage in reel. Reel 2 - Series of shots of Vietnamese guard saluting, line of guards snapping to attention and presenting arms, Gen. LeMay and party leaving building and the general departing by car with four-star plate -- CU's of Brig. Gen. McHugh and Vietnamese Gen. Ty talking after Gen. LeMay's departure. 125' MS's of entrance gate to Vietnam AF Headquarters -- Vietnamese cadets on bicycles and motor vehicles passing through scene; directional sign post written in Vietnamese; Vietnamese AF cadets leaving building after classes, Vietnamese wings over door of building and Gen. LeMay and Brig. Gen. McHugh leaving the Vietnam AF Headquarters by car. 181' SLATE: SUBJECT: DAF SUPPORT. 184' AMS & AMCU over right shoulder of Gen. LeMay at KC-135 controls as it rolls into parking area at Clark AB, Philippines. 2l9' Several scenes of Gen. LeMay and Maj. Gen. W. H. Blanchard, AF Inspector General, both in flying clothes, debarking from modified KC-135 and being greeted by Maj. Gen. Theodore R. Milton, Comdr 13th AF and staff, Gen. LeMay talking with VIP's and then going to car and pulling away past aircraft. 299' MS & MCU of Philippine man and USA officers on balcony porch watching the proceedings. 313' MCU of KC-135 flight crewman. 320' MS of guard tower. 333' MS signs on building: CLARK AB OPERATIONS and HOME OF 405TH FIGHTER WING. 346' MS left SV of modified KC-135 on ramp being serviced -- shows panel truck near nose section and maintenance crewmen entering and leaving aircraft. 355' MCU low angle of No. 53126 on tail of modified KC-135. 365' SLATE: SUBJECT: DAF SUPPORT. 368' ALS through aircraft window of water and jungle terrain. 384' AMLS & AMS RV of silhouettes of pilot and copilot at aircraft controls. 411' MS of General LeMay debarking from modified KC-135 and being greeted by Gen. Clark Louis Ruffner (USA), Vietnamese Gen. Ty and the group including Brig. Gen. McHugh walking toward terminal building. 480' MLS & MS of Saigon Tan Son Nhut International Airport terminal - crowd on balcony porch. 523' MS sign above door: US MILITARY ASSISTANCE ADVISORY GROUP (MAAG). 537' Total footage in reel. Good (Basic: Orig color)